Friday, April 29, 2011


My Next-door neighbour's house caught fire when the lightning struck just three hours ago,noon. Today is thursday, 28th April 2011.We called the fire brigade because we saw fire coming out from the roof-top and the beams falling off to the ground. The fire brigade came and the fire was put off in no time. There was a water pump outside our house. People were taking pictures of the fire from the roof-top of the house. Handphones were flying with pictures here and there. Lucky it didn't distrubt the entire fire rescue. The residents were trying to capture the drama and post it in the internet of theirs. Everyone wanted to recollect the drama of the fire brigade putting out the fire. Everything went well and the fire was put off.


Having a good Life means doing the things you love and you cherished it. Having a passion means having a love of your life may it be an act, a purpose or a favour. Or it could even be in a human form - a person who can fulfill your life with something anew and afresh. Mine is an object or an act and a purpose in life. A purpose is the most important. Many people lead a normal life of force, sedentary lifestyle. Other than exposing your self to "danger", don't go out at night (for girls) unless you have to and your job requires you to go out at night. Somethings don't last for long, you may not be there permanent, things move and so do people of all walks of life. The thing is to enjoy while you can for certain things are hard to find and when you do find it in the end, you might not enjoy it or wanted it at all. Don't think of the "mission" in life but expect the least to come and the most will arrive.

I like to move on with life. I won't cry over spilt milk, get another bottle ,pay with your cash.There are some things that money can't buy and many things that money can make you do.


Nature has its ways of shaping things. Some people are borned to be queen, for example Princess Katey (Catherine) Middleton. I bet she's the luckiest girl ever!!!!! But underneath lies deep, unreluctant expectations......

How do I face life? I take one step at a time and at each step I take, I contemplate. Take each step as you reach and you won't fall. Don't push the problem away, it only gets farther behind but you still won't solve it. Face it and the truth will come out. Problem solved. Human nature had its ways.... I value that and treasure that thought. I may not understand a million things but if I take heed , I listen, I might come to a good conclusion that I can live with and accept. And there wasn't any case !!!

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