Thursday, February 10, 2011


Do you believe that the foods you eat can make your breasts grow? I personally am a little skeptical on this one, as in I don't think that eating a lot of one certain food is going to suddenly turn you into a voluptuous C or D cup, but some people do believe that there is a reason the average bra size for women is on its way up, and doesn't show signs of stopping this upward trend.

Did you know, for example, that Chinese women's average breast size has increased by almost one full cup size over the past ten years, and scientists are wracking their brains trying to figure out why? Many speculate that the increase in Chinese meat and dairy consumption and other "Americanized foods" that can possibly make a woman's breasts grow more is the reason, along with other environmental factors. This theory is especially viable since the Chinese diet used to consist simply of a lot of rice and fish products, which do not really contain estrogenic compounds such as the ones found in the breast enlargement supplements programme.

This theory stems from the fact that the majority of livestock we buy, such as red meats, chicken and other highly consumed meats and other dairy foods in the US are given hormones to make them grow faster, produce more milk and simply be a better product in the end. That is, unless you buy organic. Some theorize that this infusion of hormones in our foods we eat accounts for some of the fact that women's breast are growing bigger over the long haul. I actually just read a story that said that women in Australia's average cup size had grown almost a full cup over the past decade, most likely due to food consumed or some other unattainable or unidentifiable factor, but most likely food or environment related, so there are cases that point to foods and supplements definitely having an impact on the size of the breasts.

Some other foods that may or may not make your breasts grow are foods that contains high amounts of natural estrogens, or phytoestrogens such as pure soy products and other plant life that is characterized by a high phytoestrogen count. These foods include many spices too and whole grain foods and seeds. Some say that eating these types of "vegetarian" foods in high quantities may have a little effect on the growth of your breasts, but if it does, it is norminal at best since it is nearly impossible to sustain the high intake of the phytoestrogens necessary to actually result in permanent breast growth.

But take heart, if in time you have sufficient sleep and sexual intercourse, your breasts will surely grow. It has been heartenly defined that a man's aphrodisiac, his saliva ,has a 10% rate on a breast's growth but scientist has yet to agree that sex does bring about the change in hormone of a woman's body in order to make it fully blown. Still, a woman's attractiveness not only lies in the cup size of her bosom / breasts but it also lies in her skillful hands as well as her innermost beauty that shines out, thus draw a man. Happy Love Making!

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